
Currently working full time at Bonded

Hello! I am a product designer and manager.

MBA graduate with 10+ years of

experience in UI/UX Design.

Based in France 🇫🇷

GMT +4


Currently working at Bonded

Hello! I am a product designer and manager.

MBA graduate with 10+ years of experience in UI/UX Design.

Based in France 🇫🇷

GMT +4


Currently working full time at Bonded

Hello! I am a product designer and manager.

MBA graduate with 10+ years of

experience in UI/UX Design.

Based in France 🇫🇷

GMT +4

Image of a white apple pencil

Some of my
branding work

Image of a white 3D rendered wall
Image of a white 3D rendered window sill
Image of a white rectangle shown at an angle

UI/UX this way

UI Shots

by Mariano

UI Shots

by Mariano

UI Shots

by Mariano

A look at one of my designs

Check out this UI for a network analysis web app!

© 2024 Mariano